Tuesday, May 5th, marked our first-ever virtual Showcase presentation. We used Zoom to connect participants and stakeholders throughout the state. Though separated by the corona virus-pandemic, our virtual community remained strong. We had over 45 makers and guests in attendance.
The evening started by having makers share Flipgrid videos that they had made to describe the fun maker projects they had been working on while in isolation. Our makers were crocheting, sewing, working on art projects, creating items for their classrooms, and fabricating much-needed PPE.
After spending viewing the video submissions, the whole group got back together for the Maker Showcase presentations. We had presentations from Caroline Anderson, Kris Smith, Erica Barnett, and Helena Caste. They all did amazing work and told inspiring stories about their maker journeys.
Kris, Helena, and Erica have all accepted jobs teaching high school science, and Caroline is heading off on a mission trip. We are so proud of each of them.
This was a one of a kind semester for UTeach Maker. The continued participation of our makers, mentors, and friends is a testament to the strong bonds we have formed. We look forward to keeping up our connections into the summer and through the fall.