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November 6, 2018
Cohort Meeting - 11-06-2018 - Photo 1

We had a great turnout on Tuesday, November 6th for our monthly UTeach Maker cohort meeting. The theme of the month was Collaborative Lesson Planning to think about ways that maker-centered lessons could be developed for mathematics, science, and engineering classrooms. Lauren shared an example of a laser-cut wheel that could be used to help teach trigonometry identities.

11-06-2018 Picture 2

With the idea that more-and-more schools are gaining access to laser and vinyl cutters, Niaz and Kyla were exploring how applications such as Desmos could be used to create artwork using algebra functions and exported to SVG. Jessica, Caroline, and Marissa created a lesson combining both physics and chemistry to create their own battery cells to light circuits using copper tape and LEDs. Using plastic bottles, straws, and balloons, Christina and Kristiane designed a biology lesson for creating physical representations of organs, such as the lungs, to discuss how body systems function.

11-06-2018 Picture 3

Austin and Garrett focused on projectile motion be designing a lesson where students created their own adjustable marble launcher. Also focusing on physics, Arami and Abdul worked on designing laser-cut cars that could be used to measure impulse/momentum through the incorporation of a force sensor. Finally, Kira, Helena, and Maisha wanted to create interactive virus and bacteria books using paper circuits and Makey Makey as a way of teaching transcription and translation. We are proud to see the innovative ideas that these future educators want to bring to the classroom to empower their students through making!