On Friday, October 29th, UTeach Maker partnered with The Foundry Maker Space to host its first workshop of the Fall semester. Thanks to the wonderful maker space accessible to all UT Students, we were able to demonstrate some of the tools available to them while they pursue their degrees.
The workshop was split into two groups for the purpose of having enough tools to go around while a section was being taught. One group focused on assembling their box fist. They were supplies with pre-cut pieces of wood, some screws, and a Makita drill. We took our makers step by step on how to assemble their box and had them learn how to use a power drill safely and efficiently. Once they were done, they moved over to the 3D printing area.
At the 3D printing area, we wanted to give our makers the chance to put an object of their choosing in their shadow box. We taught them how to use CURA, a 3D slicing program, and showed them how to safely use a 3D printer. Given that the workshop was fall and Halloween themed, we saw a variety of objects being printed. Once they were done, they moved over to the Box assembly area.