1. Maker Philosophy: The purpose of this category is to have candidates explore and develop an understanding of the philosophical and pedagogical roots that are expressed via Making, like constructivism, constructionism, and other progressive educational models (Montessori, Reggio Emilia, etc.) plus the historic and cultural context that led to the current Maker movement.
To meet the expectations for this section, candidates are expected to:
- Provided a personal definition of making that includes a personal statement that articulates their maker philosophy.
- Read and reflected on articles and peer reviewed publications relevant to making, maker education, and the maker movement.
- Shared personalized reflections on the readings or other activities that impact their maker philosophy. Reflections should include a discussion of access as it applies to making.
- Craft a personal statement that articulates your Maker philosophy.
- Connected their maker philosophy to the work exhibited in ALL other endorsement sections through explicit references and connected these ideas to their UTeach experience and preparation.
Writing Prompts:
Some possible prompts to consider when writing this section include:
- What does making mean to you?
- Why do you feel that making is important to education?
- What are some of the most important lessons you have learned through making? How has making impacted you as a learner, teacher, and in your everyday life?
- What readings, videos, or other resources have influenced your thinking about making? Please explain.
- What do you see as important issues of access that are connected to making? Please explain.
Maker Philosophy Resources:
- Ken Robinson on Flourishing – This video provides insight into how teaching for diversity rather than conformity can help students find their passion.
- Designing for Rightful Presence in STEM - A justice-oriented approach to understanding how youth engage in STEM (and/or view the shorter Teacher Brief)
- Mindstorms: Children Computers and Powerful Ideas
- The Art of Tinkering
- Maker Manifesto
- Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry into the Value of Work
- Gever Tulley: Life lessons through tinkering (TED Talk) - Tinkering School founder Gever Tulley talks about the power of setting children’s minds free!