A Maker Showcase is an open portfolio that UTeach Makers create to document and archive their Maker experiences. This website will serve as a repository of work to show to the larger community including future employers. The goal of this Showcase is for students to create a personal expression of their Maker journey that can be shared with others.

A Maker Showcase should provide documentation of work in each of four areas, which include:

  1. Maker Philosophy
  2. Maker Project
  3. Maker Education
  4. Maker Community

Documentation may include photo evidence, blog posts, participation in discussion boards, personal reflections, assignments completed as part of the UTeach coursework, or any artifacts that reflect the student's progress or ideas in a particular area.

Website Builder is a free service that can host your Maker Showcase, http://websitebuilder.com. Other platforms (such as Google Sites, Wix, IM creator, Weebly) are also welcome.

Once a Maker Showcase is complete, it will be submitted for review. A national leader in Maker Education will review the Showcase and provide feedback. This feedback is intended to support the UTeach Maker in reflecting on and strengthening their final product. In the final stage, each UTeach Maker will present their Showcase to a small group. This process should help students articulate their experience so that they can share it with the larger community and/or present it in employment interviews.

UTeach Maker Showcase Timeline

The following table describes the suggested timeline for the creation of the UTeach Maker Showcase.

Task Due
Create showcase webpage, personal landing page, and domain tabs 1st semester of the program
Complete at least two showcase domains including Maker Project Before student teaching
Complete full showcase Student teaching semester

Follow the links below to learn more about the criteria of each category of the Maker Showcase.

Maker Showcase Categories and Criteria

Maker Showcase Resources

Showcase Rubric Thumbnail

Maker Showcase Rubric

View the rubric used by national reviewers to evaluation the UTeach Maker Showcases.
Maker Showcase Thumbnail

Maker Showcase Examples

See the Maker Showcase from participants who have completed the program and earned the title of UTeach Maker Fellow.


UTeach Maker Certificate and UTeach Maker Endorsements are micro-credentials of the UTeach Program at The University of Texas at Austin only. They are not affiliated with the Texas Education Agency or Maker Media Inc.


All work and products of UTeach Maker are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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